Wild West
Address: Plovdiv, bul. Tsar Boris III Obedinitel 179, Business Park Flavia
For the exact location click here.
Choose an appropriate date and time to book your adventure now or just call +359 889 56 16 26. We are waiting for you!

The history knows countless bank robbers in the Wilde West but very few of them became true legends. Nevertheless considerable amount of money for your head no body managed to caught you trough this many years. Unfortunately you are not the same lucky guy as you used to be and now you’re in our prison waiting for the sentence to be executed. The only way to skip the gallows is to run away.
Time is short, the stake is high…
The price depends on the team`s size:
Team of two – 70 BGN (35.00 BGN per person)
Team of three – 80 BGN (26,67 BGN per person)
Team of four – 90 BGN (22.50 BGN per person)
Team of five – 100 BGN (20 BGN per person)
Team of six – 110 BGN (18.33 BGN per person)